Introduction - Start Here
Welcome! I'm Alex, and I created this site to document my progress as I learn binary exploitation, and to help others that may be doing the same. There aren’t necessarily any prerequisites for this blog, but if you are new to the subject then you should familiarize yourself with the basics before continuing: The C programming language . There is a plethora of resources online, but I found Learn-C and Learn C The Hard Way particularly helpful. C is essential to understanding memory management and assembly language. Make sure you spend some time learning the compilation process which converts human-readable C code into executable machine code. Introduction to Intel X86 Assembly from OpenSecurityTraining . Xeno Kovah introduces Intel X86 Assembly and walks you through the most common instructions in early-2000s 480p YouTube glory. This two-day, 16-hour series is a major investment, but it will pay dividends. Exploits 1 from OpenSecurityTraining . Corey Kallenburg explai...